Future Growth Strategy

Redeveloping land for 10,000 new homes is a 30 to 40 year journey, which requires foresight and a vision for the future.

The Iceni Futures team worked collaboratively with a range of other Iceni disciplines, including Planning, Engagement, Heritage and Transport, to anticipate how people’s lifestyles are likely to change over the predicted 30 year growth of a proposed new settlement of around 10,000 new homes in Essex.

The team started with a number of fixed issues that will be taken as read in the development of the site, including zero carbon communities and high speed digital connectivity.

The team undertook research on the local heritage and existing communities and used this to inform research on current and emerging lifestyle trends. Additional analysis was then conducted into the impacts our changing lifestyles are having on the design of new settlements.

A number of key themes emerged from the analysis that will have an impact on the production of forthcoming masterplans. These themes will be woven throughout the emerging masterplan to ensure the new development is capable of responding to changing lifestyles.

Key Contact

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Associate Director
T: 020 3640 8508 M: 07741 656 453
E: acook@iceniprojects.com